Monday, August 5, 2013

Sunday, August 4th

I'm in the middle of copying everything from Blogger to an actual journal, but I wanted to write about this. (For when I actually catch up to current day stuff.)  I've been so behind in keeping a journal.  I'm trying to do better.

I had the most precious moment with you.  I was rocking you, getting ready to put you to bed.  You looked up at me and gave me this half smile.  It made me smile, which made you smile bigger, and I smiled on and so on.  It was just such a precious moment.  I can't believe how big you've gotten.  6 months got here so quickly.  I remember last year, at Halloween, posting the photos of the cute little Halloween onesies that someone got for you, while I was still pregnant.  I remember looking at the size and reading, "9 months".  That seemed like forever from where I was at that point.  Now here we are, just a few months from when I'll get to put you in your first Halloween costume.  Shortly after that, your first Thanksgiving and first Christmas.  And of course right after that, your birthday.  I'm glad you were born in January.  I always get so sad when the Christmas festivities are over.  Now your birthday gives me something to look forward to.

I can't even express how much love for you, your father and I have.  Tonight, you were crawling (oh yes, you decided to learn how to crawl on August 4th, 2013) down the hallway and your father was playing with you.  He looked up and said, "okay, we're going to have to have another one.  I'm already getting so sad at how big she is getting".  Then we talked about remembering when you were so small and tiny.  How you used to lay on our chest and just sleep there.  It's hard to get you to cuddle these days.  You're far too curious as to what is around you and what you can get in to.  We love that you're curious, we just miss the cuddles.

<3 you baby girl.  Guess it's time for bed.  You've been asleep for an hour now.  Suppose I should follow just in case you feel like waking up again tonight.  :)

Saturday, March 16, 2013

6 week baby!

Oh goodness, little girl!  You're so amazing!  Cannot believe you're already 6 weeks old.  Time passes so quickly.

Well, you've been smiling a lot more.  That mixed with your adorable little coos, you have become so much cuter than you already were.

You really seem to like the song "Lullaby" by Matt Costa and Jack Johnson.  I was singing it to you yesterday and you paid attention and smiled.  It was so precious.  You also have a few books under your belt now.  (Or should I say your diaper?)  We purchased some Dr. Seuss books for you the other day.  I point out all of the different colors on the pages for you.  We're also almost finished with Alice in Wonderland, though you're not as patient with reading time as you are with music time.

You are holding your head up for longer periods of time and your neck is getting so strong!  You're still not too patient with tummy time, though.  You'd much rather lay on your back and look up.

Monday, March 11, 2013


In the past week, it seems as though she has started smiling at me. She really makes you work for it, though! But it's the cutest thing she does!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

One month check up

Little miss had her one month check up yesterday!  She is doing well.  Doctor said she is right about where she is supposed to be.

She is 1 ft. 9.25 in.
9 lbs 1 oz
14.25 inches for her head circumference

Monday, March 4, 2013


Miss Eliana,

You seem to be working on cooing since the weekend!  Making little noises in the back of your throat.  It's adorable!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

4 Weeks!

Wow!  What a blur the last four weeks have been.  Never has a period of time flown by so quickly in my life.  I think we're making it through, now I am trying to get some sort of schedule going, as best you can with a newborn.  Of course, we're on her time though because apparently I've been demoted and she's be promoted to boss lady.

Anyway, I am still getting my updates from Babycenter on Eliana, but they are now with regards to what she's developing as a newborn.  This morning, I received this one:

Got it.  Have a staring contest with my baby.  Hate to break it to you, Eliana.  I have YEARS of experience over you.  I got this.

I go back to work next month.  :(  Though it gets stressful sometimes, mainly at night.  And though she is a lot of work, I am going to miss her.  I like being able to hang out all day with her and cuddle with her whenever I please.  Of course, she's passed out right now, so she just looks sweet.  I forget about the late nights when she's like this. (Like last night!  I want some sleep, child!)  

Again, she's a lot of work, but she's worth it.  Ryan also seems to be enamored with her and has decided to pass on selling her to the gypsies for another week.