Saturday, August 4, 2012

Baby Verde as of Week 14

Good morning!

Today I decided to make a blog to track baybay stuff, so I can remember my week-to-week.  I got the idea  from Miss Nelly and thought it was a better way of going on and on about Baby Verde, opposed to Facebook.  

Currently, I am 14 weeks along.  My energy seems to be pretty good, Monday - Friday, 7:30 - 4:00.  So basically, all of the time I am at work.  :/  I seem to keep getting headaches on the weekends only.  Of course.  

But, baby right now is about 3 1/2 inches long and weighs about 1 1/2 ounces, according to my baby center updates.  Baby Verde can also pee in me, which is kind of crazy. 

As far as belly goes, it looks like I've had a big meal and my gut is sticking out.  I've only taken about 2 belly pictures so far but will remember to take them from here on out.  

Ryan is in Berkeley right now for a conference, presenting his research.  Our next appointment is sometime mid August and then next month, on the 12th, we find out the sex.  That seems forever from now, though.  

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