Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Baby Verde as of week 17

So it felt like Baby Verde has been more active lately.  It’s not necessarily a feeling of something hitting against my stomach.  It’s more what I would imagine it would feel like if someone was stirring something inside of me.   As though baby Verde might be in there just doing fabulous flips and such.  Very exciting to be feeling that. 

Gender scan is in 21 days!  So excited to find out what we are having.  Still crossing my fingers for a girl, but really leaning toward it being a boy.  So we’ll have a little David or a little Eliana. 

Experience some slight weight gain finally.  I was doing pretty good with swimming to keep active, but baby needs to grow.  :) 

We have a few activities planned coming up in the next couple of weeks, so here’s to hoping that will help these next 21 days fly by. 

Getting excited to have this little one here and see what he/she looks like, but right now that all seems so abstract.  It’s as though that day will never come. 

I have been looking in to tons of cute photo ideas.  I know what I will be doing on my maternity leave!

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