Monday, October 22, 2012

26 weeks

Baby stats:

-Weighs about a pound and two thirds
-14 inches long
-Roughly the size of English hothouse cucumber, whatever that is.

Baby is working on her nosy utensils.  Her hearing is developing like mad so she can be nosy like mommy.  :)

She's been kicking so much more now.  I can even see it when I look down.  It's the craziest thing.  Sometimes, they're kind of hard and they make me jump.  I can't even control it.  She's trying to fight me and she's not even out of the womb yet.  She'd better watch her back.

Aside from that, I am just feeling especially thankful for being able to carry her, and then undoubtedly face a lot of pain to bring her in to this world.  I know that part doesn't sound too fun, but whatever it takes to get her here.  I was talking with a friend about someone in her family who is adopting, and all of the struggles they've gone through to get where they are.  It just made me feel incredibly grateful to be having this experience.

Aside from that, things are great.  Still feeling not so huge and I still get comments on how fast I move for a pregnant lady.  haha.

Pretty soon, I'll be switching to going to my doctor's appointments every two weeks.  It's getting real!  It's insane.

Well, here is jelly belly:


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