Thursday, October 25, 2012


Ahhh, I love feeling her kick.  Even if it is hard.  I was just watching her kick my left side and move around a bit.  It's amazing to see.  Especially since she was so quiet yesterday, I of course was freaking out. Lol.  I am telling you, if you like to keep your sanity, do not become pregnant.  It is totally normal for her to not be kicking non-stop, so there is no reason to freak out  But that sure doesn't stop me.  So when she starts again, I feel relief.  Lol  It doesn't help any that I am the type to worry, anyway  At least with this kind of situation.

I honestly don't even feel worried about birth  I am looking forward to it so that I can see her here and not have to rely just on feeling her.  Though I know things can happen after birth of course.  I guess I should just accept a never ending feeling of worry.  lol

But for now I feel great, watching her move around.  She also may have moved some.  She usually kick on my right side and today, it's all the left.  I've never felt kicks here before.  

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