Monday, October 15, 2012

25 Weeks!

Oops!  I skipped week 23 and 24.  :( So here we are at 25!  In just 5 weeks, we'll be at 30 AND HOLY COW WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE!?  This little girl will be here before we know it.

Eliana's progress:
  • 13 1/2 inches
  • 1 1/2 lbs. 
  • She's working on growing her lovely locks this week.
Also new this week, we've decided that Eliana has the worst kind of Jersey accent you could ever imagine.  She says things like, "I pump fists, not gas", ect. ect.  And every time I mess with my stomach, she freaks out and says in her accent, "WHAT ARE YOUS GUYS DOIN?!  I'M TRYNA SLEEP IN HERE!!"  

Today we had a check up.  We scheduled our last 4 week appointment for November.  After that, we'll be there every two weeks.  As usual, Eliana ran from the doppler.  It got really awkward when she was yelling at the doctor about her muff cabbage.  I'm also 100% sure she somehow acquired a table in the womb and flipped it out of anger.

Still feeling pretty good.  Energy is good, still not too large and in charge.  Glad to be in the 3rd trimester!

I posted this on Facebook, but look at these adorable Halloween clothes Eliana will be able to wear next Halloween:  


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