Met with another midwife yesterday for our last 2 week appointment. Seems like we were just starting on these! Now we will be going every week. So crazy. It's going to be hard to schedule my time around these things with work and all.
Anyway, the appointment went well. Better than our last one! The last one, (I can't recall if I wrote about it) was scheduled with a doctor I didn't really care for. I didn't even end up getting to ask all of my questions so I had a lot for the midwife this appointment. I asked about my baby vibrating inside of me. Lol. That is really the only way I can explain it. She said it is normal due to their nerves still developing and all of that.
Today, Ryan put together the car seat and stroller. He even went and installed the car seat. We're going to find a place so that we can get it checked, just to make sure it's all installed correctly. Ryan was fussing over it, even though she isn't here yet. So I think that will make him feel a little better. Lol.
Tomorrow I plan on organizing some more. We also have this huge bag o laundry to do. After laundry is done, we're going to pack up her bag with a couple of outfits for her, some blankets and caps, and whatever else I might throw in there. I am getting so excited.
We went to Target the other night and used our gift cards we received. Oh my Lord, I wanted to buy all of the little girl's clothes they had there. So many cute things. So many cardies. I die. I resisted though. We bought nipples for the bottles my sister-in-law gave us. We also purchased some breast milk storage bags ,some more swaddling blankets and other random things. I feel like we're doing pretty good and there may only be some small things we need still.
Also very important, I've started to figure out where I'll be doing her photos. Lol. I cannot wait. :)