Sunday, September 30, 2012

22 Weeks

Just one day left of 22 weeks for Baby Verde, but I figured I would get on here and update anyway.  :)

-11 inches
-1 pound (WOO HOO!)
-Length of a spaghetti squash.  (EEK)

Little Miss Eliana seems to be making her presence known lately.  IT seems she likes to work out after I eat breakfast and right as I am trying to lay down for bed.  (Of course.)  It's the oddest feeling because I imagine she's giving me little tiny fist bumps in the womb.  At least, that's what it feels like.  It's pretty amazing, though.  I am so curious to see what it will be like seeing her movements.

Doctor told us at our last visit that nearing our 30 weeks, we'll be coming in a lot more frequently.  I still do not feel insanely huge and so it still feels so far away for me.  When I stop and think about it, it's actually not!  Baby is due January 28th, and tomorrow we start October.  By the way, when will it start actually feeling like October, damn it?  The weather is supposed to be hotter than it has been in a while, and all week.  I feel ridiculous turning my AC on just so I can drink my decaf pumpkin spice lattes and not feel our of season.

I am so ready for fall, though!  I am thinking of trying to get someone to help me with some nicer maternity photos, opposed to my crappy camera phone pictures I've been taking.  You'd think I would use my nice camera I have?

Aside from that, a friend of mine who is a few weeks ahead of me got me this adorable outfit for Eliana yesterday.  (Ooooh, ahhhhh.)

I'll have to tell Eliana (when she gets here) that a shirt that says "everybody loves me" is a bit presumptuous of her.  We'll still need to see about that bit when she gets here.  :)

Aside from that, everything seems to be going well.  I am now starting to look forward to getting everything prepared and together for her before she gets here.  I think I'll start on birthing plans and having bags packed, ect. much earlier than what they probably recommend.  Only because I've read so many stories about people going in to labor 6 weeks early, and I'd rather have our bag packed before that and have it just sitting, than have to throw things in a bag in a rush.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

21 weeks

Fruit of le week:  Pomegranate!
Inches: 10.5
Weight:  3 quarters of a pound

Had a check up today and heard the babies heart beat.  Also got my flu shot.  Wooohoo.  I am getting vaccinated for whooping cough next visit in October.  Plus, they are doing my diabeetus (hahaha) test, which I hope comes out negative.  (Obvi)  Eliana also seems to like to show off at the doctors' office.  As soon as the doctor was finding her heart beat, she started moving like crazy.  (Just like she did at the last appointment.)  It's still so crazy to hear her heartbeat.  Doctor confirmed that she was measuring beautifully.  YAY!  This makes me happy.  

Aside from that, we're still struggling with a middle name.  It's so hard to come up with a name that will be with someone for the rest of their lives.  The first name was easy, but I think it's because we already knew about it before we were even expecting.  So, what goes good with Eliana?  haha.

We registered last weekend.  Oh my, was that a process.  Pretty sure we were at Babies R Us for 3 hours.  I was so tired by the time we were finished.  Plus, I've been fussing over the list online.  I am going to give myself a week or so to try and complete it.  It's just insane how many things go with babies.

Something odd I thought about:  Today at the doctor's office we were given the form to pre-register for delivery.  I think that was one of those moments when it hit me:  My lady parts are going to have quite a day.  lol.  No, really though.  It actually made think of how real this is getting and how excited I am.  (Despite the above.)  

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Hay, girl...

My title made me think of those Ryan Gosling meme photos, and now I want to come up with one.

So we finally made it and we were able to see pictures of our little GIRL.  I am very happy to know finally and have felt an instant increase in bonding with this little one.  Plus, it was beyond amazing to see her moving around and doing whatever it is babies do in such cramped quarters.

Right before we go in to the waiting room, I felt Eliana moving more than she ever has before.  I think she was getting ready to put on a show for us.  Anyway, as soon as the tech starts, I was just so blown away with how much she already looks like a baby and how big she looked.  (Especially in comparison to the tiny little sea horse I saw at week 8!)  The most incredible thing was watching her move around so much and being able to feel it all, as well.  She looked like she was doing crunches, bicycle kicks and various other work outs, so she is already keeping up with her fitness.  This will bode well for her later in life.  We were able to see her drink water and open and close her fists.  For some reason, that is impressive for a baby.  Lol.  I was "oooohing" and "ahhhing" over it the whole time.

All of her measurements came out to where they should be.  The doctor said her brain was looking really good and she took an extra close look at her heart, due to family history.  Her heart was looking good as well and we could see all four chambers.  It's pretty neat.

I am just so in love with this little one already.  I feel so amazed seeing how much she has developed since I last saw her.

Now, we prepare for her arrival.  We already bought an adorable little outfit, which I cannot wait to see her in.  I just keep trying to picture her face and who she might look like.  I know it's hard to tell when they're infants.  They all look like little old men to me.  But I suppose we'll be there soon enough.

I was so glad Ryan got to be there with me and see it all, too.  Little Eliana, we are so excited for your arrival!


Monday, September 10, 2012

20 Weeks-This ish is bananas!

Here we are, finally at 20 weeks!  YAY!  The baby center update notified me that my baby is the length of a banana.  Hence the Gwen Stefani inspired title.

Aside from that, our little girl or boy is becoming more active.

Biggest news is this Wednesday, only two days away, we find out the sex!  I cannot contain myself!

Sometimes, I feel like my belly is huge, and other times it seems smaller.  I notice it most when I try to put a shirt on that used to fit. haha.

Nothing new to report as of now.  Will update on Wednesday! :) :) :) :) :)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

On Friday, I think I felt two tiny little kicks.  :)  Very exciting.  I was doing something else while it happened though, so it was hard to know for sure. :/

Monday, September 3, 2012

Week 19

Here we are at week 19 and 0 days!  Baby Verde is apparently trippin balls right now, due to sensory development.  Just going crazy with smell, taste, hearing and vision.  He/she is also developing vernix caseosa, which prevents my baby from pickling inside of me.  Good looking out, vernix caseosa.  I do not want a pickled baby.  Aside from that, I'm told a 19 week baby measures around 6 inches long and weighs about 8 1/2 ounces.  It's crazy to think this little one isn't even up to a pound yet.  haha.  So tiny.

Aside from that, we have just 9 days left until we find if Baby Verde is a little girl or a little boy.  We're so looking forward to it, but I'm also always so nervous right before my appointments.  You just want to know everything is okay in there and there is no real way of telling right now, aside from your insanely spaced out doctor visits.  (Well, they feel that way if you're worrying.)

Ryan broke and was the first to purchase something for the baby.  I thought for sure it might be me.  Of course it should come as no surprise it says "I love my daddy".  It's totally Davis themed, too.  Has little cows on it.

Aside from that, we're doing fine and are so excited to find out and start calling Baby Verde by his or her name.  <3