Monday, September 3, 2012

Week 19

Here we are at week 19 and 0 days!  Baby Verde is apparently trippin balls right now, due to sensory development.  Just going crazy with smell, taste, hearing and vision.  He/she is also developing vernix caseosa, which prevents my baby from pickling inside of me.  Good looking out, vernix caseosa.  I do not want a pickled baby.  Aside from that, I'm told a 19 week baby measures around 6 inches long and weighs about 8 1/2 ounces.  It's crazy to think this little one isn't even up to a pound yet.  haha.  So tiny.

Aside from that, we have just 9 days left until we find if Baby Verde is a little girl or a little boy.  We're so looking forward to it, but I'm also always so nervous right before my appointments.  You just want to know everything is okay in there and there is no real way of telling right now, aside from your insanely spaced out doctor visits.  (Well, they feel that way if you're worrying.)

Ryan broke and was the first to purchase something for the baby.  I thought for sure it might be me.  Of course it should come as no surprise it says "I love my daddy".  It's totally Davis themed, too.  Has little cows on it.

Aside from that, we're doing fine and are so excited to find out and start calling Baby Verde by his or her name.  <3


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