Sunday, September 30, 2012

22 Weeks

Just one day left of 22 weeks for Baby Verde, but I figured I would get on here and update anyway.  :)

-11 inches
-1 pound (WOO HOO!)
-Length of a spaghetti squash.  (EEK)

Little Miss Eliana seems to be making her presence known lately.  IT seems she likes to work out after I eat breakfast and right as I am trying to lay down for bed.  (Of course.)  It's the oddest feeling because I imagine she's giving me little tiny fist bumps in the womb.  At least, that's what it feels like.  It's pretty amazing, though.  I am so curious to see what it will be like seeing her movements.

Doctor told us at our last visit that nearing our 30 weeks, we'll be coming in a lot more frequently.  I still do not feel insanely huge and so it still feels so far away for me.  When I stop and think about it, it's actually not!  Baby is due January 28th, and tomorrow we start October.  By the way, when will it start actually feeling like October, damn it?  The weather is supposed to be hotter than it has been in a while, and all week.  I feel ridiculous turning my AC on just so I can drink my decaf pumpkin spice lattes and not feel our of season.

I am so ready for fall, though!  I am thinking of trying to get someone to help me with some nicer maternity photos, opposed to my crappy camera phone pictures I've been taking.  You'd think I would use my nice camera I have?

Aside from that, a friend of mine who is a few weeks ahead of me got me this adorable outfit for Eliana yesterday.  (Ooooh, ahhhhh.)

I'll have to tell Eliana (when she gets here) that a shirt that says "everybody loves me" is a bit presumptuous of her.  We'll still need to see about that bit when she gets here.  :)

Aside from that, everything seems to be going well.  I am now starting to look forward to getting everything prepared and together for her before she gets here.  I think I'll start on birthing plans and having bags packed, ect. much earlier than what they probably recommend.  Only because I've read so many stories about people going in to labor 6 weeks early, and I'd rather have our bag packed before that and have it just sitting, than have to throw things in a bag in a rush.


  1. you should totes be doing more belly photos, ms. photographer! i've seen some pretty great maternity self-portraits with a tripod and timer.

  2. I know, I know, I know. I'm a slacker! Lol. Plus, I somehow lost my freaking tripod. I don't know how one loses a tripod. Leave it to me, I guess.
