Thursday, September 20, 2012

21 weeks

Fruit of le week:  Pomegranate!
Inches: 10.5
Weight:  3 quarters of a pound

Had a check up today and heard the babies heart beat.  Also got my flu shot.  Wooohoo.  I am getting vaccinated for whooping cough next visit in October.  Plus, they are doing my diabeetus (hahaha) test, which I hope comes out negative.  (Obvi)  Eliana also seems to like to show off at the doctors' office.  As soon as the doctor was finding her heart beat, she started moving like crazy.  (Just like she did at the last appointment.)  It's still so crazy to hear her heartbeat.  Doctor confirmed that she was measuring beautifully.  YAY!  This makes me happy.  

Aside from that, we're still struggling with a middle name.  It's so hard to come up with a name that will be with someone for the rest of their lives.  The first name was easy, but I think it's because we already knew about it before we were even expecting.  So, what goes good with Eliana?  haha.

We registered last weekend.  Oh my, was that a process.  Pretty sure we were at Babies R Us for 3 hours.  I was so tired by the time we were finished.  Plus, I've been fussing over the list online.  I am going to give myself a week or so to try and complete it.  It's just insane how many things go with babies.

Something odd I thought about:  Today at the doctor's office we were given the form to pre-register for delivery.  I think that was one of those moments when it hit me:  My lady parts are going to have quite a day.  lol.  No, really though.  It actually made think of how real this is getting and how excited I am.  (Despite the above.)  

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