Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Met with a midwife today/31 weeks

So we decided to meet with a midwife today, opposed to the doctor that we usually meet with.  I've really been putting a lot of thought in to how I am hoping my labor/delivery goes and it seemed like a midwife might be helpful and align with the things I want.  Though, I will say, I have absolutely no qualms with doctors.  None what so ever.  Especially so with the doctors at our hospital.  My first question for her was if she thought there was much of a difference in philosophy between doctors and midwives.  I was pleased to hear that though this may be the case for many other hospitals, that really at this hospital, it wasn't so much of a difference.  I feel like no matter what, we'll be in good hands.  I mean, they all already know a hell of a lot more than I do.  lol.  We are going to meet with her again for our next appointment in two weeks.  Between now and then, we are going to make a decision on if she will  be the one delivering us, or if we're going to stick with our doctor.  She made me feel at ease with the whole thing though, so I am not really worried either way.

Little miss is running out of room to run from the Doppler, so she is no longer squigling around when they get the heartbeat.  She stayed perfectly still and we could hear the difference of the heartbeat through the placenta VS the heartbeat through the rib cage.  It's crazy how loud that thing gets.  She said Eliana is measuring exactly at 31 weeks and I'm still in the range of where she wants me to be weight wise.  Glad to hear that!

I am semi worried because I had a sneaking suspicion that baby might be transverse.  My first hint was when I would get tapped in my hip bone on my left side, and also tapped in my rib cage area on my right.  I asked the midwife about this and she said she believes just by looking at me that I am correct.  :(  I know it's still early and a lot of babies are in funky positions at this point.  She said that we'll monitor it but that I should still give her more time to turn and get in to position.  Which I knew this before going on, but I worry anyway.  As I always say, there is just no room for sanity in pregnancy.  Lol.

Oh!  And I also remembered to ask about the birthing rooms that they have.  I checked them out online and they are nice.  It's a first-come -first-serve basis, but she said that she can only think of one time since she's worked there where they haven't had enough  rooms for everyone.  It will be nice because I can do labor, delivery and recovery there.  And they are more homey looking.  :)

So, at 31 weeks baby is measuring over 16 inches and weighs about 3.3 lbs.  She's flipping her hair back and forth, (AKA, she can turn her head from side to side.  Lol.) and she's plumping up as baby center says, but I feel like she'd prefer "gettin swoll".

Only 6 more weeks until she's considered full term and only 61 days to go until the due date.  :)

Saturday, November 24, 2012

30 weeks, looking forward to the rest of the holidays.

Baby girl is about 15.7 inches long and weighing around 3 lbs!  She's getting big, but it's still hard to see where she's fitting all of this extra length and weight she's putting on.

Thanksgiving was awesome.  I love hosting dinners like this but man was I tired.  Sometimes I forget I'm almost 8 months pregnant.  I did a lot of prepping Wednesday night and went to bed with sore feet and a sore back.  I woke up feeling fine though, and really had to space out my work so that I could rest in between.  Mr. Green was a huge help, though.  So glad that my husband knows how to cook things.  I love having all of these leftovers.  Pregnant during the holidays yields quite the benefit.  haha.

Ryan and I never do black Friday sales and I wasn't about to start this year.  I was seeing a lot of my friends post about waiting in line at midnight at various stores.  I cannot even imagine doing that, especially this year. We did venture out in the late morning, though.  Went to Michael's and Joanne's so I could start making Christmas.  Also hit up Target so we could buy a new vacuum cleaner.  We vacuumed the morning of Thanksgiving and when I used the new vacuum today, you wouldn't even guess that we'd vacuumed in a month.  It was so disgusting how little our vacuum was picking up.  I feel so much better now, knowing Eli will be a bit cleaner crawling around this place.  :)

Today, I cleaned up a lot and started getting things ready to decorate.  I can't wait to have it all together, but I keep having to take breaks in between.  I do not like this and this will be one thing I will be happy to part ways with once I am not longer with child.  Though, I am sure she'll interrupt me plenty.  :)

I'm still enjoying watching her move around in there.  It cracks me up because it looks funny and at times it tickles.  I also think she'll be quite the Christmas fanatic. (Just like her momma.)  I was listening to Christmas music on my phone and set it on my stomach for a moment to do something, (don't judge me.  Yes, I use it as a shelf.) and she started kicking around in there.  For anyone who knows me pretty well knows just how in to Christmas I am.  Lol.  I cannot even imagine once she's here.  Ryan and I will get to make awesome Christmases for Eliana.  :)

We are meeting with a midwife this week for our prenatal appointment.  This will be the first midwife we meet with, as the rest have been doctors.  I kind of wanted to get a feel for how they differ just so we know our options.

Monday, November 12, 2012

29 weeks!

We are 73% complete with this pregnancy and only have 77 days remaining of freedom....erm, I mean....until baby girl gets here!

-2 1/2 lbs
-Over 15 inches long
-Veggie of the week:  Butternut squash

Baby girl's head is growing so accommodate her undoubtedly large brain.  Her muscles and legs are also maturing.  She's on her way!

We had a doctor appointment today.  Just our normal check up, but we had a lot more questions this week. We talked about pain management during birth, delayed cord clamping, lactation nurses and skin to skin with  baby.  For all of you who do not know what this is, this is (apparently, as I have learned since I've gotten pregnant) an important step in bonding, breast feeding, warming the baby and helping the woman recover. (I'll skip out on the details, but you can read in to it if you're curious.)  I am glad that I'll get a lot of support from the hospital in regards to breast feeding.  I really like the doctor we've been meeting with and I am pretty sure we are going to ask her to be the one to deliver our baby.  She suggested we meet with a midwife at least once, just to get that experience and see what we think about it. That will be for our next appointment in two weeks.  Aside from that, heart beat sounded great, doctor said I am measuring beautifully and I am still feeling pretty good.  :)

Oh yeah, I don't have the baby diabeetus.  WOOT!

I don't think you're ready for this belly.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

28 weeks and hello 3rd trimester!


-Length:  Around 14.8 inc.
-Weight:  Around 2 & a quarter lbs.
-Apparently the size of a Chinese cabbage.  Fascinating.

Developing this week:

Baby girl is apparently sporting some eyelashes now, to give her those pretty eyes.  :)  No doubt, the same eye lashes she'll bat to get her way from daddy.  I can already see this now.  He keeps saying he is going to have to be the one that is the bad guy, but I'm on to her.

Aside from that, she's blinking and seeing light coming through the womb this week.  Her eye sight is also developing more and more, along with developing billions of neurons in her brain.  Crossing my fingers for a smarty pants. :)

Each week, the website I receive my updates about her from also show a picture of what the baby looks like in the womb.  I thought I'd share that this week:

Lame joke time!  "Hay, I am running out of womb in here!"

Anyway, our next appointment is next week.  I always look forward to hearing the heart beat and all of that good stuff. :)  I also have my infant nutrition class coming up on the 17th.  We'll also need to schedule our tour of the hospital and a birthing class soon.  Holidays are rapidly approaching, not to mention work is busy.  So I have a feeling things will start to speed up.  Also, baby showers are coming up as well!  Looking forward to all of these fun things.  :)

* Disclaimer:  I wrote this one day early.  Sue me.  It is 12:26 east coast time.  It still counts.  :P

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Week 27

-Little Miss Eliana is up to 2 lbs this week!
-14 1/2 inches long (Where am I keeping all of this baby?)

This week, babycenter mentioned that she will likely have a sleep schedule.  I have absolutely noticed this!  I wake up to her (or some days, wake up BECAUSE of her) kicking.  Not complaining, though.  I like to lay in bed and just feel her kicking before I have to start the day.  She's also usually pretty busy at night.  Great, really early in the morning and when I am trying to sleep.  I can see where this is going, Eliana.  :P

She's also opening and closing her eyes, according to the update, which I think is pretty crazy! She can also start getting hiccups soon, which I don't think I have felt yet.  I can't even imagine that!

Aside from that, I did my glucose test this past weekend.  Apparently they call if it is critical and I haven't heard anything yet.  (YAY!)  Our doctor will talk to us at our next appointment about the results.  Hopefully everything came back okay.  That test took forrrrrrr-eeeeeevvvvvv-errrrrr.  And the last time they drew blood, they bruised me badly.  I look like a druggy. :/

 88 more days to go until the due date!  I feel like she'll be here before we know it. :)

Eliana's Auntie Beth came and visited us, and along with her, brought presents for Eliana.  Check them out:

Just in case this needs some esplainin':  Ryan thought it would be funny to have her take a photo wearing this, and then when she's acting up, she'll "stumble across" this photo and wonder what ever happened to her older sister?

She will rock this after bath time, and I will sing her the "Unicorn Song".

This is the gym Beth got her, where she'll get her push ups on and develop her 6 pack baby abs.

Another one from Auntie Beth.  "EXTERMINATE!" 

Oh, and here's belly!