Saturday, November 24, 2012

30 weeks, looking forward to the rest of the holidays.

Baby girl is about 15.7 inches long and weighing around 3 lbs!  She's getting big, but it's still hard to see where she's fitting all of this extra length and weight she's putting on.

Thanksgiving was awesome.  I love hosting dinners like this but man was I tired.  Sometimes I forget I'm almost 8 months pregnant.  I did a lot of prepping Wednesday night and went to bed with sore feet and a sore back.  I woke up feeling fine though, and really had to space out my work so that I could rest in between.  Mr. Green was a huge help, though.  So glad that my husband knows how to cook things.  I love having all of these leftovers.  Pregnant during the holidays yields quite the benefit.  haha.

Ryan and I never do black Friday sales and I wasn't about to start this year.  I was seeing a lot of my friends post about waiting in line at midnight at various stores.  I cannot even imagine doing that, especially this year. We did venture out in the late morning, though.  Went to Michael's and Joanne's so I could start making Christmas.  Also hit up Target so we could buy a new vacuum cleaner.  We vacuumed the morning of Thanksgiving and when I used the new vacuum today, you wouldn't even guess that we'd vacuumed in a month.  It was so disgusting how little our vacuum was picking up.  I feel so much better now, knowing Eli will be a bit cleaner crawling around this place.  :)

Today, I cleaned up a lot and started getting things ready to decorate.  I can't wait to have it all together, but I keep having to take breaks in between.  I do not like this and this will be one thing I will be happy to part ways with once I am not longer with child.  Though, I am sure she'll interrupt me plenty.  :)

I'm still enjoying watching her move around in there.  It cracks me up because it looks funny and at times it tickles.  I also think she'll be quite the Christmas fanatic. (Just like her momma.)  I was listening to Christmas music on my phone and set it on my stomach for a moment to do something, (don't judge me.  Yes, I use it as a shelf.) and she started kicking around in there.  For anyone who knows me pretty well knows just how in to Christmas I am.  Lol.  I cannot even imagine once she's here.  Ryan and I will get to make awesome Christmases for Eliana.  :)

We are meeting with a midwife this week for our prenatal appointment.  This will be the first midwife we meet with, as the rest have been doctors.  I kind of wanted to get a feel for how they differ just so we know our options.

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