Monday, November 12, 2012

29 weeks!

We are 73% complete with this pregnancy and only have 77 days remaining of freedom....erm, I mean....until baby girl gets here!

-2 1/2 lbs
-Over 15 inches long
-Veggie of the week:  Butternut squash

Baby girl's head is growing so accommodate her undoubtedly large brain.  Her muscles and legs are also maturing.  She's on her way!

We had a doctor appointment today.  Just our normal check up, but we had a lot more questions this week. We talked about pain management during birth, delayed cord clamping, lactation nurses and skin to skin with  baby.  For all of you who do not know what this is, this is (apparently, as I have learned since I've gotten pregnant) an important step in bonding, breast feeding, warming the baby and helping the woman recover. (I'll skip out on the details, but you can read in to it if you're curious.)  I am glad that I'll get a lot of support from the hospital in regards to breast feeding.  I really like the doctor we've been meeting with and I am pretty sure we are going to ask her to be the one to deliver our baby.  She suggested we meet with a midwife at least once, just to get that experience and see what we think about it. That will be for our next appointment in two weeks.  Aside from that, heart beat sounded great, doctor said I am measuring beautifully and I am still feeling pretty good.  :)

Oh yeah, I don't have the baby diabeetus.  WOOT!

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