Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Met with a midwife today/31 weeks

So we decided to meet with a midwife today, opposed to the doctor that we usually meet with.  I've really been putting a lot of thought in to how I am hoping my labor/delivery goes and it seemed like a midwife might be helpful and align with the things I want.  Though, I will say, I have absolutely no qualms with doctors.  None what so ever.  Especially so with the doctors at our hospital.  My first question for her was if she thought there was much of a difference in philosophy between doctors and midwives.  I was pleased to hear that though this may be the case for many other hospitals, that really at this hospital, it wasn't so much of a difference.  I feel like no matter what, we'll be in good hands.  I mean, they all already know a hell of a lot more than I do.  lol.  We are going to meet with her again for our next appointment in two weeks.  Between now and then, we are going to make a decision on if she will  be the one delivering us, or if we're going to stick with our doctor.  She made me feel at ease with the whole thing though, so I am not really worried either way.

Little miss is running out of room to run from the Doppler, so she is no longer squigling around when they get the heartbeat.  She stayed perfectly still and we could hear the difference of the heartbeat through the placenta VS the heartbeat through the rib cage.  It's crazy how loud that thing gets.  She said Eliana is measuring exactly at 31 weeks and I'm still in the range of where she wants me to be weight wise.  Glad to hear that!

I am semi worried because I had a sneaking suspicion that baby might be transverse.  My first hint was when I would get tapped in my hip bone on my left side, and also tapped in my rib cage area on my right.  I asked the midwife about this and she said she believes just by looking at me that I am correct.  :(  I know it's still early and a lot of babies are in funky positions at this point.  She said that we'll monitor it but that I should still give her more time to turn and get in to position.  Which I knew this before going on, but I worry anyway.  As I always say, there is just no room for sanity in pregnancy.  Lol.

Oh!  And I also remembered to ask about the birthing rooms that they have.  I checked them out online and they are nice.  It's a first-come -first-serve basis, but she said that she can only think of one time since she's worked there where they haven't had enough  rooms for everyone.  It will be nice because I can do labor, delivery and recovery there.  And they are more homey looking.  :)

So, at 31 weeks baby is measuring over 16 inches and weighs about 3.3 lbs.  She's flipping her hair back and forth, (AKA, she can turn her head from side to side.  Lol.) and she's plumping up as baby center says, but I feel like she'd prefer "gettin swoll".

Only 6 more weeks until she's considered full term and only 61 days to go until the due date.  :)

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