Sunday, November 4, 2012

28 weeks and hello 3rd trimester!


-Length:  Around 14.8 inc.
-Weight:  Around 2 & a quarter lbs.
-Apparently the size of a Chinese cabbage.  Fascinating.

Developing this week:

Baby girl is apparently sporting some eyelashes now, to give her those pretty eyes.  :)  No doubt, the same eye lashes she'll bat to get her way from daddy.  I can already see this now.  He keeps saying he is going to have to be the one that is the bad guy, but I'm on to her.

Aside from that, she's blinking and seeing light coming through the womb this week.  Her eye sight is also developing more and more, along with developing billions of neurons in her brain.  Crossing my fingers for a smarty pants. :)

Each week, the website I receive my updates about her from also show a picture of what the baby looks like in the womb.  I thought I'd share that this week:

Lame joke time!  "Hay, I am running out of womb in here!"

Anyway, our next appointment is next week.  I always look forward to hearing the heart beat and all of that good stuff. :)  I also have my infant nutrition class coming up on the 17th.  We'll also need to schedule our tour of the hospital and a birthing class soon.  Holidays are rapidly approaching, not to mention work is busy.  So I have a feeling things will start to speed up.  Also, baby showers are coming up as well!  Looking forward to all of these fun things.  :)

* Disclaimer:  I wrote this one day early.  Sue me.  It is 12:26 east coast time.  It still counts.  :P

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